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All-Age Sermon: The Christmas Story Has Just Begun!

Jake Drake

This is intended for Church services AFTER Christmas.


Let’s kick things off with a fun quiz!

How many times have you heard Christmas songs this season?

Let’s see how many lyrics have stuck in your mind!

Here’s how it works:

  • For one point, finish the lyric I read aloud.

  • For a second point, name the song! Easy.


Optional Bonus:

If you have a church band, why not involve them by having them play short excerpts from the songs? It’s a great way to engage everyone and add a live music element to your service.

No band? No problem!

You can use the iSingWorship app (, which is simple to use and ad-free. Alternatively, you can find YouTube videos of the songs below, but you’ll need to ensure the congregation doesn’t see the video screen! Also be ready to skip ads if they pop up!



Question 1: "The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus...."

Answer: "....No crying He makes" - Away in a Manger

Question 2: "O star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright..."

Question 3: "Glories stream from Heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia..."

Question 4: "Joyful all ye nations rise...."

Question 5: "O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem, come and behold Him."



All-Age Sermon: Christmas Begins

Well that was fun! Games always bring fun... or tension! You could probably say the same about Christmas when our extended families come together again! Many of us, will be taking down our Christmas decorations soon, packing away the tinsel, and maybe even sighing as we watch the last of the glitter disappear. I imagine for some, it’s a relief to clear away the tinsel, but for others, it’s hard because it means the Christmas period is nearly over, and the hard work of "real life" is about to begin.

Christmas Stain Glass Window
Christmas stain glass window

But the Christmas story isn't over. It marks only the beginning of Jesus' mission. The joy we've all been singing about is coming with us into the New Year. Yes, it may be daunting looking ahead, or perhaps exciting, but due to Christmas, we don't have to do it alone. I wonder what Mary and Joseph felt once the angelic songs had faded, the bleating lambs drifted away, and the Wise Men were long gone. Did they look down at Jesus with the silent, peaceful wonder we often imagine? Or did they feel the weight of responsibility, as though the whole world now rested on their shoulders? Were they overjoyed with the possibilities their lives would now experience? Or perhaps, were they even able to think beyond the moment. Fear. Joy. Sadness. Hope.

Maybe you’ve felt that way, too. Have you ever faced a moment where the weight of what lies ahead feels overwhelming?

Mary and Joseph were away from home, ill-equipped, tired and vulnerable.

Not only that, shortly after Mary gave birth, Joseph was warned that the King was looking for them and wanted Jesus dead. They had to flee! Mary and Joseph had nothing but each other and their trust in God. The joy of Christmas may have felt well and truly over in that moment as "real life" had abruptly made its entrance. Despite the chaos around them, Mary and Joseph clung to God's promise, holding His love made flesh in their arms. If you were an outsider looking in at this young couples life, I wonder whether you'd think they were loved? They'd just given birth in a stable!?

As we enter the New Year, we too might feel daunted because of what lies ahead? The responsibilities we carry and whether we have what it takes? But like Mary and Joseph, we don’t face this journey alone.

To the world, Mary and Joseph may have seemed like they had nothing. Yet in reality, they had everything.

That faith, that love, and that promise to be with us always, it's ours, too. The same Jesus they held all those years ago walks with us today. So, as we go back into the fray of life, remember we carry His immense, death-defeating power with us, enough to face whatever comes.

But you KNOW that already, don't you? You proved it with the quiz! We've been singing about it for the last 4 weeks, or more if you work in retail....

  • “Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay” (Away in a Manger).

  • “O come to us, abide with us, our Lord Emmanuel” (O Little Town of Bethlehem). - Emmanuel, meaning God with us.

  • “Light and life to all He brings” (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing). - Here's here to light up the darkness.

  • "Son of God, love’s pure light, radiant beams from Thy holy face…" (Silent Night)

Christmas isn’t over, it’s just beginning. Yes, hard work may lie ahead, but remember, God IS with us, lighting our path through whatever challenges we face.


Christmas nativity scene
The First Christmas

All-Age Prayer:

(perhaps ask one of the youth to pray over everyone)

Lord, as we step into the unknown of this New Year, help us to remember that You are with us. Strengthen us for the work ahead, and may Your promises fill us with hope.



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